Group photo of the attorneys at Sexton & Moody, P.C.

Unparalleled Dedication To Your Freedom And Future

Experienced McDonough Aggravated Assault Attorneys

Aggravated assault charges in Georgia can pose extremely harsh repercussions if convicted. The Henry County defense attorneys with Sexton & Moody, P.C., can help you avoid a worst-case outcome.

We have considerable experience defending those in McDonough and nearby areas from conviction. Our attorneys have a deep commitment to the local community and understand how the Georgia criminal justice system functions. This knowledge empowers us to safeguard your freedom and other rights.

What Constitutes Aggravated Assault?

In Georgia, this is a serious criminal offense involving an intent to murder, rape or rob, which elevates an ordinary assault charge. Aggravated assault charges can also arise for these acts:

  • Using a deadly weapon during an assault
  • Strangulation during an assault
  • Assault causing serious bodily injury
  • Assault on a public official or law enforcement officer

Proving you intend to commit a serious felony is often required for a conviction. Additionally, the nature of the assault, particularly if it involves strangulation, can impact the severity of the charges.

Possible Penalties For Aggravated Assault In Georgia

The penalties upon conviction are severe and can include lengthy prison sentences, hefty fines, and a permanent criminal record. Penalty severity depends on various factors, including prior criminal history, the element of intent and whether a deadly weapon was used.

A conviction for aggravated assault can result in a prison sentence ranging from one to twenty years. If the assault involved a deadly weapon or resulted in serious bodily harm, the penalties could be even more severe.

Potential defenses against aggravated assault charges include proving a lack of intent or acting in self-defense. Consulting with an experienced attorney can help you explore these defenses and develop a strategy tailored to your case.

Improve Your Defense With A Free Evaluation

Our experienced lawyers are ready to defend you if you are charged with aggravated assault in McDonough or another Henry County location. Call us today at 770-692-9495 or use our online contact form to arrange a free consultation. Let us help you navigate the complexities of your defense.

Group photo of the attorneys at Sexton & Moody, P.C.